• I have people finding my blogsite and ‘liking’ (somehow) but I can’t find mine unless I go straight to my URL? What are you supposed to do to find someone? Also, I see a lot of sites for photographs, as an example, but I can’t see mine? I am new to wordpress so once shown I’ll probably feel like an idiot…. nothing new there. I note that you have to be logged in to make a comment but once I log in I lose where I’m supposed to go next (still trying to learn to drive this) – should I be in or out of the dashboard?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hello there,
    See the advice here > http://en.support.wordpress.com/getting-more-views-and-traffic/

    To locate blogs with content of interest to you:

    1. Use Google search (replace “topic” with any keyword)
    topic site:wordpress.com

    2. Use WordPress.com search > http://en.support.wordpress.com/wordpresscom-search/

    3. Use Global tags searches > http://en.support.wordpress.com/global-tags/

    Have you located the link on the bottom of you Admin page to the learn wordpress.com tutorial? http://learn.wordpress.com
    This is the link to all the support documentation where you will find a useful searchbox http://en.support.wordpress.com and it’s also found on the bottom of your Admin page.
    Hope this helps.

  • I honestly thought the title of this post was a joke. I was going to answer ‘Tell em you want the bathroom’. 🙂

  • I told you I would feel like an idiot – of course that was supposed to be ‘BLOG’ not ‘BOG’.

    Glad I brightened someone’s day. Thanks also to ‘timethief’ for suggestions – I was asking a serious question but stuffed it up.

    I am new to this website and have made a great start here……. I think I’ll crawl under a rock now if you all don’t mind. I will try not to re-surface again for a while and maybe you’ll all forget what I did when I come back.

  • Being new IS the answer: once you’ve been blogging for two months, all the main search engines will find you. Prior to that, they don’t think it worthwhile.

  • Thank you for the information but I was still curious how other wordpress.com users were able to see my stuff when I couldn’t see it? There must be a way they stumbled on it?

  • @stonewallgalleries. That’s ok matey. You should see some of the cock ups I’ve made. Lol. Good luck and happy blogging. 🙂

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