I am knee deep in 5th birthday party prep for Buggie right now.

5 years old, crazy how fast the time has flown by.

So we have had this little rule, no gum until you are 5.

I know kinda of silly but at some point I had picked the age and we stuck with it.

Now it is this HUGE right of passage that she is so STOKED about.

{sidenote: thinking of uping it to 20 for her brother, just sayin the kid’s an animal}

Without giving away too much about her party I made these the other day and could not resist sharing.

What you will need:

– Gum {I bought the old school gum ball machine size tub and then some larger individual ones from Party City}

– Balloon stems with cups {which I now have 115 leftover, so if want some just holla, or Buggie will have these at every event for the next 10 yrs.}

– Clingwrap

– Small bowl

– Scissors

– Place some cling wrap in the bowl and then add a large gumball and 7 small ones.

– Take your stem and place in the center and then bring up the cling wrap tight around the gum.

– Lotion hands daily, oops thats a reminder for me after seeing this picture, EEK.

– Tie the up tight, cut the excess cling wrap off, and there you have gumball flowers!

They are so stinkin cute. Like for real, gumballs make me smile anyways but to see them like this just makes me plain ole happy.

Speaking of happy.

I got an email the other day from Shivani of My Owl Barn, the place for

all things owl.

Super cute right?!

Well guess what its FREE!!!

And give her a little hoot, cause everyone loves a hoot.

Happy weekend y’all!


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By Luakit_